About Us

Bio Catalyst is the service provider for Bio Organic Catalyst Inc. We offer a wide variety of odor control and cleaning services for residential, commercial, municipal and industrial clients. Our systems use an advanced technology developed in the USA by Bio-Organic Catalyst, Inc.

About The Company

About The Company

Bio-Organic Catalyst, Inc., headquartered in California, has developed a breakthrough water treatment, currently being used worldwide, which helps solve major environmental problems in waste/water (odors, nitrogen, organic pollution), agriculture (water demand, soil health, crop yields) and industry (effluent, emissions, fouling) in a simple and profitable way.

Our Bio-Organic Catalysts (“BOCs”) are highly concentrated liquid biocatalytic agents that immediately increase oxygen transfer, increase dissolved oxygen and break down biofilm and FOGs. This triggers beneficial effects wherever water is present, so there are countless useful applications, including odor control, pulp & paper, cooling towers, agriculture, anaerobic digestion, aquaculture, fire control, hydrocarbon remediation, commercial cleaning and many others.   In each of these areas, BOCs offer superior performance at lower cost, while being non-toxic and safe.

BOCs are made from plant and mineral extracts, yeast fermentation by-products and a nonionic surfactant.

BOCs are easy to use (just add to water), cost-effective (just 1 – 4 parts per million), increase operating profits (important for rapid large-scale adoption) and are completely safe and green.

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